Brulee   Heltemes
Brulee   Heltemes

Obituary of Brulee Heltemes

On 10/22/2024, we had to say our final goodbyes to Brûlée, a 13 year old Havanese. Named after the dessert, Crème Brûlée, she was sweet even to the end. Brûlée was a real trooper. Almost totally blind for the last 4 years from the effects of diabetes, she would not let it slow her down. She got around the house with no problem, and she loved her outside walks. The rattle of the leash always brought Brûlée to the door ready for a walk with her two brothers. Brûlée, also lovingly known as Boo, Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo-lay, Boo-Ba-Chew, Princess, Queen B. and “the Girl,” ruled the house. Anything Boo wanted, she managed to communicate it, and got it. Brûlée, grew up in California where we almost missed the opportunity to bring her home. If it wasn’t for the lifting her paw, that said “look at me” as my wife passed her kennel the second time, we would have never noticed her. Purchased as a “Pet” for our older Havanese, Wrigley, she and Wrigley played for hours after she was accepted into the family by the Wrigley-man. She walked the streets of Chicago for a short time before relocating to Western New York. She would later be joined by Cooper who would came along 4 years later. As Wrigley got older and slower, Cooper was a great challenge for Boo to keep her active. Years of playing together were interrupted by Brûlée’s blindness. This did not slow her down at first. But ultimately her fear of running into the walls put a damper on her activities. In the end, Boo-boo was diagnosed with Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome (HHS). She spent 5 days in the Cornell Animal Hospital where the hospital staff called her “Stoic”. But our Boo came home a different dog. The first few days at home were good, but ultimately this rare and horrible disease took her life. Boo wanted to spend her last day on this earth in her favorite place, the backyard, which brings us to her last nickname: “Dora the Explorer.” “Dora” has gone off to explore other lands. We know she will be happy as she ventures off to the next life. Until we see you again.